- Power electronics is the appli
cation of solid state electronics to the control and conversion of electric power. It also refers to a subject of research in electronic and electrical engineering which deals with the design, control, computation and integration of nonlinear, time-varying energy-processing electronic systems with fast dynamics
Electricity flows in two ways – Alternating Current or Direct Current. The difference between the two is the way the electron flows.
AC and DC:
- Electricity flows in two ways – Alternating Current or Direct Current . The difference between the two is the way the electron flows. Owing to Thomas Edison - DC power was born by creating a magnetic field near a wire, which caused the electrons to flow in a single direction, from negative to positive.
- Nikola Tesla came up with AC power because a it was a safer way to transmit power over large city distances. Instead of using a steady magnet, he used a rotating magnet. So as the magnets position changed so did the flow of electrons.
- A thyristor is a solid state semi conductor device with four layers of alternating N and P-material. It acts exclusively as a bistable switch, conducting when the gate receives a current trigger, and continuing to conduct while the voltage across the device is not reversed (forward-biased).
- This is an electronic device that converts alternating current to direct current. This entire process is called as rectification. Rectifiers can take many forms like mercury arc valves, semi-conductor diodes, various silicon based semi-conductor switches etc.
- It is a semiconductor device with two terminals that allows flow of current in one direction. It has low resistance to current in one direction and a very high resistance on the other. It is a vacuum tube that has two electrodes – a plate (anode) and a heated cathode.
- A semiconductor diode was the first semiconductor electronic devices. Most diodes are made of silicon, while selenium or germanium is also used sometimes. Because a diode allows electric current to pass one way but not the other, it is used as a rectifier to convert AC to DC current.
- Gate Turn-Off Thyristor, is a high powered semi-conductor device. It differs from a normal Thyristor. Unlike them a GTO has a fully controllable switch that can be tuned off and on by a third lead i.e. the Gate lead.
- A normal thyristor does not have a fully controllable switch i.e., which can be turned on and off at will. Once it has been turned on or fired, it remains turned on till a turn off state occurs. Which could be anything like a reverse voltage or if the current flowing falls below a certain threshold value.
- A GTO can be turned on by a gate signal and can be turned off by one which has negative polarity.
- This is semi-conductor device that is used for amplifying and switching electronic signals and power. A transistor has 3 terminals. When voltage or current is applied to one pair of terminal it changes through the other pair. The output power could be higher than the input, a transistor can amplify signals. Most of the transistors are found in integrated circuits.
- The three leads that the transistor has are – Base, collector and Emitter. One of the most used transistors is MOSFET.
- It stand for Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor. This is a type of transistors that is used for amplifying or switching electronic signals.
- Though a MOSFET is a 4 terminal device – Source, Gate, Drain and Body. But as the Body Terminal and the Source Terminal are often connected to each other internally, therefore only three terminals appear in electrical diagrams.
- MOSFET is one of the most common transistors in both digital and analog circuits.
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