Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Buck Boost converter operation,modes and application

  • Buck-boost converters are used both to step up voltage from a lower level to a higher level and to step down voltage from a higher level to a lower level. The magnitude of output voltage depends on the duty cycle of the switch.It is also called as step up/step down converter. The name step up/step down converter comes from the fact that analogous to step up/step down transformer the input voltage can be stepped up/down to a level greater than/less than the input voltage.

Principle of operation of Buck converter:

  • The main working principle of Buck Boost converter is that the inductor in the input circuit resists sudden variations in input current. When switch is ON the inductor stores energy from the input in the form of magnetic energy and discharges it when switch is closed. The capacitor in the output circuit is assumed large enough that the time constant of RC circuit in the output stage is high. The large time constant compared to switching period ensures that in steady state a constant output voltage Vo(t) = Vo(constant) exists across load terminals.

Buck Converter Working:

  • The following diagram shows the working operation of the buck converter. In the buck converter first transistor is turned ON and second transistor is switched OFF due to high square wave frequency. If the gate terminal of the first transistor is more than the current pass through the magnetic field, charging C, and it supplies the load. The D1 is the Schottky diode and it is turned OFF due to the positive voltage to the cathode.
  • The inductor L is the initial source of current. If the first transistor is OFF by using the control unit then the current flow in the buck operation. The magnetic field of the inductor is collapsed and the back e.m.f is generated collapsing field turn around the polarity of the voltage across the inductor. The current flows in the diode D2, the load and the D1 diode will be turned ON.
  • The discharge of the inductor L decreases with the help of the current. During the first transistor is in one state the charge of the accumulator in the capacitor. The current flows through the load and during the off period keeping Vout reasonably. Hence it keeps the minimum ripple amplitude and Vout closes to the value of Vs

Boost Converter Working:

  • In this converter the first transistor is switched ON continually and for the second transistor the square wave of high frequency is applied to the gate terminal. The second transistor is in conducting when the on state and the input current flow from the inductor L through the second transistor. The negative terminal charging up the magnetic field around the inductor. The D2 diode cannot conduct because the anode is on the potential ground by highly conducting the second transistor.
  • By charging the capacitor C the load is applied to the entire circuit in the ON State and it can construct earlier oscillator cycles. During the ON period the capacitor C can discharge regularly and the amount of high ripple frequency on the output voltage. The approximate potential difference is given by the equation below.

  • During the OFF period of second transistor the inductor L is charged and the capacitor C is discharged. The inductor L can produce the back e.m.f and the values are depending up on the rate of change of current of the second transistor switch. The amount of inductance the coil can occupy. Hence the back e.m.f can produce any different voltage through a wide range and determined by the design of the circuit. Hence the polarity of voltage across the inductor L has reversed now.
  • The input voltage gives the output voltage and atleast equal to or higher than the input voltage. The diode D2 is in forward biased and the current applied to the load current and it recharges the capacitors to VS + VL and it is ready for the second transistor.

Modes Of Buck Boost Converters:

There are two different types of modes in the buck boost converter. The following are the two different types of buck boost converters.
  •         Continuous conduction mode.
  •          Discontinuous conduction mode.

Continuous Conduction Mode:
  • In the continuous conduction mode the current from end to end of inductor never goes to zero. Hence the inductor partially discharges earlier than the switching cycle.

Discontinuous Conduction Mode:

  • In this mode the current through the inductor goes to zero. Hence the inductor will totally discharge at the end of switching cycles.

Applications of Buck boost converter:

  •         It is used in the self regulating power supplies.
  •         It has consumer electronics.
  •         It is used in the Battery power systems.
  •         Adaptive control applications.
  •         Power amplifier applications.

1 comment:

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